3 Things To Look Out For When Renting An Apartment

Often times people out of desperation neglect important details while searching for new apartments which they end up regretting throughout the renting period. Of the many things you might be on the lookout for when searching for your next apartment to live in, the following three things have been listed to save you a lot of future pain and regret. 1. Look out for houses that are letting This is the...

5 Ways To Make Money In The Real Estate Industry

With the numerous opportunities that abound on the real estate industry, one stands to make large profits. It is pitiful to note that most people do think it requires large capital to venture into real estate business, however, there are many different ways to make money in real estate. Some for the big players and some you will venture with little or no capital. Ride with us as we outline the different...

Property For Sale In Nigeria – Buying Land & House In Nigeria | Guide On How To Buy A Property In Nigeria

Buying land and house property in Nigeria is not without risks, expropriation and others. Two laws talk about and explains land ownership in Nigeria. Although these laws have their counterpart in most countries, it is the implementation that really matters. The Petroleum Act of 1969 and Land Use Act of 1978. There are a great number of things to look out for and keep in mind when buying a new home or land...

5 Reasons Investing In Real Estate Is Better Than Saving In Bank

The gains of real estate investment far outweigh that of saving in the bank for the following reasons: 1. Currency always diminish in value while real estate appreciates. The purchasing power of money continually diminishes. However, real estate always appreciates. If you buy a plot of land in a good location, take effective possession and perfect necessary documentation today, in five years’ time,...

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